As a domestic manufacturer of emulsifier machines for 20 years, our equipment has been used in all areas of the motherland. Our equipment is south to Hainan, west to Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and north to Heilongjiang. In addition to domestic sales, our equipment has been exported to the United States 15 years ago. Now, more than 100 countries and regions in the world are using the equipment we produce. These equipments are shipped from the factory to the customer’s production site, and there are many ways to transport long distances. Domestic is generally logistics, mainly land and rail transportation. Foreign countries mainly rely on large freighter waterway transportation.

The emulsifier is a medium to large machine. The unit is generally composed of multiple components, such as: water tank, rack, platform, control. The emulsifier has the smallest size and is about the same height as an adult. The large height is close to 5 meters. If it is a stainless steel mixing tank, the size of a dozen tons is very large. In addition, the weight of the emulsified machine ranges from a few hundred kilograms to four or five thousand kilograms. There are many precision instrument parts in the emulsifier, and the size and size of the equipment are relatively large. So what should you pay attention to when transporting emulsification equipment?

Transportation is usually carried out by the manufacturer. However, it is also necessary to verify before confirming the receipt. So what should you pay attention to when transporting the emulsifier?
1.The emulsifier is usually shipped from the emulsifier manufacturer in a wooden box. Manufacturers will pack tightly. In order to ensure the safety of the motor during transportation, try not to unpack the emulsifier.
2.During packing and transportation, the emulsifier must be firmly fixed to the wooden beam at the bottom of the box. The inside of the package should be padded with moisture-proof paper, oil felt, etc. It is best to put in a moisture barrier.
3.When transporting, be careful not to turn the device over to avoid damage to the emulsifier.
4.Under normal circumstances, after the assembly is complete, the minimum part of the main pot is completely transported. However, if it is difficult to transport, it is allowed to disassemble and transport the motor cover, platform and water tank. This requires the prevention of foreign matter entering the equipment components and the loss of accessories.
5.Domestic transportation, you can arrive in the next one or two days, if you are far away, you can usually arrive in a few days. Short transit time, faster and safer. In the case of foreign freighters, Southeast Asian countries generally arrive faster, and Europe, America, Australia and Africa will be slower. When transporting by water, the sea time is relatively long, and the seawater with salt and sea salt will cause some corrosion on the stainless steel surface of the emulsifier. In order to prevent this from happening, the equipment needs to be rust-proofed before shipment. The specific method is to spray anti-rust oil, and so on.